The Widow’s Blog

I Am Sick of Myself

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I Am Sick of Myself

For some reason, Myself has become a total nuisance.  Although I am used to being alone with Myself, we are not getting along.  As a matter of fact, we are not even speaking to each other. I want to do stuff around the house, but Myself thinks we are on vacation and wants to sit on the couch playing games on my phone or watching Netflix movies.  Lord forbid an exciting series comes up on the screen with ten thousand episodes, Myself wants to watch, which becomes an all-nighter. Myself thinks it’s fun to make me want to snack and drink water, then signals me to run to the bathroom. You...

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That Dang Glue

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That Dang Glue

Remember the good ole days when we all used Elmer’s glue?  That white liquid that took forever to dry, but washed off with soap and water. Of course, being water-soluble, Elmer’s, was not always a perfect choice for certain things.  Thinking this is why some smart dudes or dudettes came up with the new-fangled thang called Super Glue.  One thang for sure, they got that dang name right, that glue is definitely, Super.  When you apply to dumaflotches you want to glue together, you best have those pieces lined up, because you have only seconds to get it right. Do not use too much of...

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One of Those Days

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One of Those Days

We all have them, those days that seem to blow our minds with the unbelievable things that happen. Getting up in the morning, you think the day will be uneventful.  Suddenly out of nowhere, you find yourself in some ridiculous twilight zone.   Stuff starts happening that you know other people are not going to believe, tell anyone about, or much less write down then share.  Of course, if you are a writer of humor, love to laugh at yourself, you’re going to write about it.  So here I sit at the computer telling about my twilight zone day. The day started reasonably well.  It was a...

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I Am Being Invaded

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I Am Being Invaded

Well, the Widow is under attack.  Not by just one invader, but several! The invasion started with lots and lots of rain. I welcomed the first six inches, but after the next ten inches, I knew that there would be an invasion of one culprit, the bigger than bats divebombing Mosquitoes. As expected, the Mosquitoes came. They hovered under the trees during the day time, so they could divebomb me if or when I walked outside to sit in the shade. At night they thrilled at swarming around the doors, to trap me inside the house and act as watchdogs to keep all visitors at bay.  In retaliation, I...

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Meme Bought Silly String

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Meme Bought Silly String

First of all, who is Meme?  The name Meme is what my first Grandson gave me when he was little.  When he would ask me for something, it would come out as “Me. Me.” Since I always answered that by giving him something, my name to him became Meme.  So from then on all of my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren have called me, Meme, at least to my face.  Lord knows what else they might call me when I’m not around, but then the possibilities are far too many to imagine. My Youngest Great Grandson turned one on May 1, 2019, and a birthday party was held for him April 28, 2019....

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Where’d My Menu Go?

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Where’d My Menu Go?

Well now, it has been a while since the Widow let you know what she has been up to, but you can believe that it has all been days of learning how not to do things. Nancy Lou has been reading and editing, War & Commitment:  The Love Story of Nancy & Frank: Book II, but while doing that, she has been writing new chapters on this website of the fourth book of the Memoir. This widow-woman does not use a wireless mouse to move the pointer arrow around the screen.  Instead, Nancy Lou uses her pointer finger to scroll around on the computer dumafloche below the keys on the keyboard. ...

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Dealing With Facebook Boosts & Bots

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Dealing With Facebook Boosts & Bots

What is happening with these Facebook Robots? What has happened to the idea of being able to talk to real people on the phone when a problem arises?  Robots, which I refer to as Bots, have taken over nearly every business, especially on Facebook, when we try to make human connections and sure, the Bots ask you some questions then tell you which number you need to push to get to another Bot which in turn asks you more questions with other numbers you can select. If you can not get the right question, then you are put on hold for an associate to answer your questions.  Usually, the associate...

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Winterizing the House

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Winterizing the House

What an eventful week for me, so I am not surprised unbeknownst to me, that a real cold front is on the way.  With the weather being severely crazy in south Texas this winter, going from hot to cold then back to hot then cold again in less than twenty-four hours, I just put off doing the close in around the house thangy. The problem is that my house has a pier and beam base which means it sits up off of the ground.  Of course, not high enough off of the ground for an average size person to crawl under it.  Why would that be logical? Also, all of the water pipes are under my house, not in the...

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What’s Going On Here?

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What’s Going On Here?

As you all know, I have been spending a lot of time typing on a Memoir but I also like to do Widow’s Blogs, some funny, some just thoughts. Well, here’s the deal, I decided the best place for me to write the Memoir and Blogs was to relocate my computer to a table in my game room.  The game room was a large detached garage which we converted to an apartment then later took out a wall to make one large room as a game room and it also has a full kitchen and bathroom. My husband’s full-size pool table sits in the middle of this room.  It also has a treadmill, weight machine,...

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What Was I Thinking?

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What Was I Thinking?

People are gonna quit inviting me places.  I have no doubt that this is true unless they are in for some new comic relief of some kind. Being sixty-nine years old has had its challenges but I have tried to make sure that others do not know the absolutely dumb things I do.   When you get my age you realize that everyone is looking for those telltale signs of dementia.  Of course, in my case, I have never remembered names, just faces, so that should be acceptable for a while. I have a system that helps though, it’s called the ABC system.  To use this system, you just start saying the...

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Some Assembly Required, Really?

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Some Assembly Required, Really?

What does the word “some” mean?  Unknown or unspecified?  Evidently, “some assembly required” has changed since I last put something together. Maybe I expect too much or don’t understand how it all works.  Why would you ship a product in a box that is big enough for it to be fully assembled, if it needs to be put together?  Just shove those pieces in a smaller box! The picture of the play kitchen I ordered looked like a “one-piecer” to me.  Dang thangy is made of plastic, just make a mold big enough for the whole “shebang” and pour in the...

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Why You Can’t Take Me Anywhere

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Why You Can’t Take Me Anywhere

Anyone who knows me knows that I see the humor in everything and maybe laugh out loud when it shouldn’t happen. Sometimes, I don’t start out trying to be funny but then it just happens. A couple of days ago, it happened, not just once but every time a thought came into my head and believe me, thoughts don’t just happen there very often. Okay, my brother-in-law and his wife invited me to take a trip up the country to attend a funeral.  Bless their hearts, they had no idea what they were in for.  Normally, they share a quiet ride together when they take road trips, but this...

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My Bubble Wrapped Tree

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My Bubble Wrapped Tree

Well now, I bought a new Artificial Christmas Tree this year and it arrived today. The last two years I have had a chopped down real Christmas tree. The artificial tree I had before the last two years, I purchased many years ago and it was absolutely Beautiful. Meanwhile back to the arrival of my new tree.  UPS Dude skid to a stop in front of my house a few hours ago but before I could get to the door from the couch, probably four steps, the Dude set the tree box down in front of my clear glass storm door then literally ran back to the UPS truck. Fat chance he was gonna help me carry it into...

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New Landline Phone

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New Landline Phone

What do I have on my mind? >Well, it could have something to do with wanting to absolutely walk outside and toss the new home landline phone handsets into the road then watch a car run over them.  Oops! See, I do have the patience to watch them get shattered but not the patience to set them up.  After all, I have been setting up the old landline phone for at least ten years. Why don’t they make these things like cellphones where you touch ’em to each other like they’re mating then all of the info transfers?   Is there a problem with that technology?  Surely some two-year-old out there...

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Yep, Gonna Build an Outhouse

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Yep, Gonna Build an Outhouse

Dagnabbit!  What have we done with simplification?  Replacing the parts of the inside of a toilet tank have gotten way too complicated. When I was around eight years old, back in the dinosaur days, my Grandparents had an Outhouse.  It was really cool (well not in the summer) and actually was a four-holer.  Although, I never understood why four people would want to be in there together.   Inside the Outhouse, there was a Sears and Roebuck catalog. You could look at this outdated catalog or use it for its real purpose there.   There was a true art to taking a page from that catalog...

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Give Me a Sprain

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Give Me a Sprain

Well now, yesterday October 6, 2018, I turned 69 years old.  Funny thing about 69, if you flip it over it is still 69. I do not have a problem turning 69 and as a matter of fact, have not had a problem turning any age as I got to it.  Age is a mindset if you don’t mind it really doesn’t matter, just stay away from lying mirrors.  I cover mine with sheets, walk quickly by them, or don’t wear my glasses as I look in them.  It’s all a no-brainer, just use your imagination. Anyway, back to yesterday, I had an awesome morning of sitting and drinking coffee on my patio then...

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What is that Green Smog?

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What is that Green Smog?

Believe me, all parents need to read this informative blog. This particular information is not passed on to other parents because of its delicate nature and the unusual fear it evokes. It is totally unbelievable and unexpected that it could happen to you.  The only way to prevent this from happening to you, as a parent, would be to just not have children at all, send them off to boarding school at a young age of twelve for seven years, or adopt them at the age of twenty.   Believe me, when it happens to you, you will think about the options you could have chosen. Okay, here’s the...

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Really, A Referral Needed?

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Really, A Referral Needed?

Last week I suddenly developed a sore throat. I decided that it could be healed with a little warm salt water gargling then throat lozenges and eventually just go away. I did fairly well for a day or two then the fever hit with chills and body aches.  Of course, this all happened late evening on Friday when the Doctor’s office was closed.  Tylenol became my best friend that evening and night with a lot of gargling the trusted warm salt water. The next morning, my sister-in-law, Cindy, called on another matter then asked how I was doing.  I told her what was going on with my throat and...

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Cutting Your Hair, Widow’s Blog

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Cutting Your Hair, Widow’s Blog

While heading to the treadmill this morning, I decided to stop a minute, go into the bathroom, and just trim my bangs a little because I was tired of them tickling my eyebrows. Being fully dressed in my sports bra, shirt, shorts, socks, and tennis shoes was not a problem because it was just gonna be a quick trim of my bangs.  There was absolutely no reason to worry about getting hair on me. Of course, I also wore my “sweet” Artificial Intelligent Fitbit on my arm, so it could record my every move then give me those subliminal, encouraging messages it runs across its “sweet...

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Read First Then Look at the Picture

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Read First Then Look at the Picture

Sometimes something happens that totally takes me backward a few steps just for a moment in the mystery of wonderment. This type of “thang” would instantly turn some peoples faces red, a fire would come from their eyes and they would get really upset.  Not me. When I am totally surprised by nonreality of something I look for the humor in it first.  After all some kinda way it has to be funny. Here’s the deal, this morning I got up early to post a chapter of my book on my Nancy Lou Henderson Facebook page titled   Apartment, Snoopy, Corncob Pipe.  The picture I chose for...

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Let’s Talk About Fitbit Again

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Let’s Talk About Fitbit Again

Well, I have decided to write about the Fitbit again.  Why?  The Fitbit may be a little more complex and mysterious than the instructions tell us all. When I bought my Fitbit, it already had a little battery charge. After my Grandson plugged it into the electric socket to get more charge, it charged in what seemed like seconds.   I thought that was pretty cool at the time because most batteried things take a while to charge. My Fitbit takes my pulse, counts my steps, keeps the time, lets me see text messages scroll across quickly and tells me how far I have walked.  All of that is just great...

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Fitbit and Me, DIY Widow’s Blog

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Fitbit and Me, DIY Widow’s Blog

While out shopping with my Daughter-in-law and Grandson a few days ago, a conversation came up about getting fit.  Having always been a person who likes to workout, I have gotten lax on doing just that. Since I have started sharing blogs and chapters of the book I am writing on this website, my exercise routine has suffered some, make that close to “nil”.  I seem to get lost in writing and learning about how this website works then realize I have been sitting in front of the computer for hours.  Seems the only things getting exercise are my fingers. Anyway, the discussion got...

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Medicare Paperwork, DIY Widow

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Medicare Paperwork, DIY Widow

My  Doctor’s office called then told me they needed me to make an appointment to fill out some paperwork for Medicare. Since it had been over a year since having been to the Doctor, I decided to “kill two birds with one stone”, (which is only a saying, I do not kill birds) and made the appointment. After arriving at the Doctors office and after waiting a short time in the waiting room, my name was called to go back to a private room.  On the way, the young lady who was escorting me stopped at the “Lying Weight” scale to get my weight.  I told her, “I...

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Have I Lost My Memory, DIY Widow

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Have I Lost My Memory, DIY Widow

Sometimes as we get older we forget the stages that our adult children went through as they were growing up.  I think you could compare forgetting those stages to the pain of childbirth which is something that women choose to forget or there would not be the decision to have more children. Something I do remember is traveling in a car with our child back in the day when there were no car seats, booster seats, and seatbelts.  I am not knocking those inventions because they are very needed for safety and prevent deaths but just remembering when we didn’t have them. I own a Ford...

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What’s Going On?, DIY Widow

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What’s Going On?, DIY Widow

What Has Happen with My Generation? I know every older generation thinks the next younger generation has gone absolutely “bat crazy” and not responsible but that is not really true. Every generation has its own music, new electronics, cars, movies, and more which is just okay with me.  It just means as a world we are moving forward in our ability to think and the intelligence to learn, not backward. My generation’s job is supposed to be the fall-back backbone for the younger generations by making sure we instill values of great humanity, consideration for others, kindness...

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Use Duct Tape 101, DIY Widow

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Use Duct Tape 101, DIY Widow

The Wonderful Uses for Duct Tape It seems to me that one of the most wonderful products on the market out there today and actually for a very long time is duct tape’ This widow uses duct tape for some things you possibly might not ever consider, so I thought I would share some of my secrets with you. What do you do when your water hose has sprung a leak?  Duct tape!  You use duct tape to wrap around the hose covering the hole.  Of course, you might have to wrap several times but believe me, it works, plus it is waterproof. After having found a leak in my water hose and not wanting to...

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Copy and Paste 101, DIY Widow

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Copy and Paste 101, DIY Widow

Distant Friends Again My computer does not like me.  Just when I thought, that we were becoming closer friends, the computer has decided to distance itself from me again.  I don’t remember doing anything to upset my computer but it is evidently not happy with me and punishing me. To transfer letters that I have typed that were written to me by my husband I have to be able to copy, paste and unload the key.  I do not have a mouse yet so this is done entirely by certain keys held down together. You hold down the SHIFT + Arrow keys to highlight release then hold down together the CTRL + c...

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Computer Volume, DIY Widow

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Computer Volume, DIY Widow

I Need More Volume! Well, I have finally become a distant friend of my computer.  The computer “allows” me to turn it on, go to Google, search for a tab, have more than one tab displayed at a time, and then flip back and forth from one tab to another at a time. Being a very kind artificial intelligent complicated device, my computer friend has also allowed me to download Dragon and Grammarly. Just in case you do not know what Dragon is, it is a voice to text device that will allow you to speak into it then type what you say.  Of course, Dragon will ask you for examples of your...

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Read Signs? 101, DIY Widow

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Read Signs? 101, DIY Widow

Ut-Oh!  Definitely did it this time!  My family will never let me live this one down. I guess I could blame it on not having my glasses on but I don’t need them for reading.  Of course, the sign was fairly large, at least nine by nine in inches. You know God gave us senses of touching, hearing,  tasting, smelling, and seeing.  Sometimes we should just use more than one sense at a time. For this “ut-oh”, I chose to use just the sense of hearing and threw in a little seeing what I wanted to see.  In other words, I was just blindly following my sense of hearing. Okay...

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Password Change? 101, DIY Widow

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Password Change? 101, DIY Widow

Capitals, Lowercase, Numbers, and Symbols Goodness gracious, I got an email last night from Twitter Tweet.  It seems that they might have had a breach of everyone’s passwords.  Really, this is not what I want to read! Their email went something like the following: Nancy,  We are so sorry to inform you that there is a strong possibility that your Twitter account password may have been breached.  We are pretty sure that your password was not compromised but we are asking you to set a new password.  Also, if you have any other similar passwords on other accounts, such as Facebook, please...

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Website Server 101, DIY Widow

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Website Server 101, DIY Widow

  Who is serving Whom   Well now, I googled “Website Server” and “Hosting”.  Really?  The answer was not exactly what I had envisioned in my mind! Website server has absolutely nothing to do with a person with a little white towel over their arm bringing me breakfast in bed but is a little box out there in the la-la wireless land. This is the way I picture it in my mind.  First, you have to find a reliable website server building out there which has an apartment for rent, then you rent that apartment. You will then give them your domain name and they will...

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Domain Names 101, DIY Widow

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Domain Names 101, DIY Widow

God Help Me Wow, I am actually on a website!  Thinking not to bad for a person who had not turned on a computer for ten years. Have I made mistakes?  Absolutely!  How many mistakes?  Actually, I lost count after I ran out of fingers and toes.  I should have kept a sheet of paper with a count. The first real bogger-roo is getting a domain name.  You might wonder what that is, well I had no idea.  It is actually the name you use on your website and one you will get from a site after googling “Get a Domain Name”. After selecting a site, I blindly entered the unknown, definitely in a...

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Poison Oak 101, DIY Widow

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Poison Oak 101, DIY Widow

Not Again! What is the deal with Poison Oak and why does it find me every year?  It is a sneaky little “devil” that lurks in the chainlink fence, bushes, and around the trees. After pulling vines out of trees while clearing land for a new trailer home in 1979, I found out at age thirty that poison oak and I are “enemies” of the worst kind. What I was told by Mr. Frank that was for sure an asp sting on my arm, ended up being a full-blown case of poison oak all over my body. Evidently, showering in hot water did not help the situation but spread that stuff from head to...

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I Meant To Do That

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I Meant To Do That

A few years back, I walked out my back door and saw a large tree limb from one pecan tree hanging low over my shed in the backyard. These trees are grafted and have huge pecans on them, so when the trees get loaded with pecans, the limbs will nearly hang to the ground, and sometimes the load is too much, and then the tree limbs will break. I had watched Frank use his chainsaw many times, cutting the broken limbs from the trees then sawing them into small pieces. So, of course, I thought by watching Frank that I knew how to do it. Walking up to the tree, I saw that the limb was, in fact,...

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Toilet Refurbish 101, DIY Widow

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Toilet Refurbish 101, DIY Widow

        Yoga and Toilets One “thang” that I know for sure is, God did not invent the porcelain throne, man invented it.  How do I know this?  For one thang,  it is always sitting in a tight spot between a cabinet and a wall which makes it impossible to access the bolts to unloosen/tighten them or even clean the toilet. A woman would not have done this. If the toilet needs repair below are the steps I would suggest to you. 1. Pick up your deceased husband’s picture, look at it, and tell him how much you love him. 2. Ask God to make sure He supplies your...

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Expedition, Round Three

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Expedition, Round Three

  Hot Flaming Brakes   Well, finally got my vehicle after two weeks but returning home on the 25-mile trip,  I started smelling something hot.  Upon reaching home and after getting out of the vehicle the left front brake was so hot that when I touched it,  my finger got burned. I called the dealership, then roadside assistance and they sent a tow truck.  The truck arrived finally after twenty minutes.  Watching the driver load the Expedition was not fun for the second time in two weeks but I tried to be as cordial as possible. While the driver loaded my vehicle onto the truck, I...

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