The Cedar Chest
The Cedar Chest I am a unique cedar chest. My purpose is to keep priceless treasures safe and secure. Although other woods may grace my outside, inside, cedarwood lines my walls, bottom, and lid. Cedarwood is a natural preservative that protects by keeping out moths and other insects. In 1964, a young woman became my new owner. She refinished my exterior, changing the color to an antique blue, and I became her hope chest. The young woman would always keep me against the footboard of her bed. Periodically, my lid opened, and she placed unique treasures inside my cedar walls. Happiness was...
Read MoreI Am Being Invaded
Well, the Widow is under attack. Not by just one invader, but several! The invasion started with lots and lots of rain. I welcomed the first six inches, but after the next ten inches, I knew that there would be an invasion of one culprit, the bigger than bats divebombing Mosquitoes. As expected, the Mosquitoes came. They hovered under the trees during the day time, so they could divebomb me if or when I walked outside to sit in the shade. At night they thrilled at swarming around the doors, to trap me inside the house and act as watchdogs to keep all visitors at bay. In retaliation, I...
Read MoreFiction, Non-fiction, & A Memoir
For some strange reason, as I tried to sleep last night, my mind decided to think about the difference between the writing of Fiction, Non-Fiction, or a Memoir. I have no idea why my brain decided to think about that, but half the time, I cannot control what my mind thinks about if or when it works. What is the writing of Fiction? Is it just made up by the crafty brilliant minds of authors, or is it real-life experiences hidden in the embellishment of fiction to hide the truth and protect the original characters. Many writers have said that all Fiction has some truth in it. Other writers...
Read MoreBabysitting & Potty Time
There is a beauty to living out in the country in a little white farmhouse. Scotty had fields to run and play in, but only if Frank and I were watching him closely. Our friend, Tommy, the head coach, spent a lot of time at our house. Frank and he had dug a hole to put hot mesquite wood coals into after they had started a fire next to the pit with the wood. Once they had enough coals in the pit, they placed a wire rack on top of the hole to cook hamburger patties or hot dogs. We would all gather around the fire, talk, and then eat when the hamburgers or hot dogs had finished cooking....
Read MoreLife Lessons & Hail
There was never a dull moment while we lived in La Pryor, and we thanked God for that. Frank loved basketball. I think of all of the sports he played, basketball was his favorite. He had the most beautiful hook shot, and he tried hard to teach me how to do it, but to no avail. Time would only tell if Scotty would take after Frank or me in shooting the hook shot, but we prayed Scotty had more of Frank’s genes for playing basketball. Frank was a great coach and respected by his players as a fair coach, who would teach them the game but was never afraid to discipline them in a just...
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