Website Server 101, DIY Widow
Who is serving Whom Well now, I googled “Website Server” and “Hosting”. Really? The answer was not exactly what I had envisioned in my mind! Website server has absolutely nothing to do with a person with a little white towel over their arm bringing me breakfast in bed but is a little box out there in the la-la wireless land. This is the way I picture it in my mind. First, you have to find a reliable website server building out there which has an apartment for rent, then you rent that apartment. You will then give them your domain name and they will...
Read MoreDomain Names 101, DIY Widow
God Help Me Wow, I am actually on a website! Thinking not to bad for a person who had not turned on a computer for ten years. Have I made mistakes? Absolutely! How many mistakes? Actually, I lost count after I ran out of fingers and toes. I should have kept a sheet of paper with a count. The first real bogger-roo is getting a domain name. You might wonder what that is, well I had no idea. It is actually the name you use on your website and one you will get from a site after googling “Get a Domain Name”. After selecting a site, I blindly entered the unknown, definitely in a...
Read MorePoison Oak 101, DIY Widow
Not Again! What is the deal with Poison Oak and why does it find me every year? It is a sneaky little “devil” that lurks in the chainlink fence, bushes, and around the trees. After pulling vines out of trees while clearing land for a new trailer home in 1979, I found out at age thirty that poison oak and I are “enemies” of the worst kind. What I was told by Mr. Frank that was for sure an asp sting on my arm, ended up being a full-blown case of poison oak all over my body. Evidently, showering in hot water did not help the situation but spread that stuff from head to...
Read MoreI Meant To Do That
A few years back, I walked out my back door and saw a large tree limb from one pecan tree hanging low over my shed in the backyard. These trees are grafted and have huge pecans on them, so when the trees get loaded with pecans, the limbs will nearly hang to the ground, and sometimes the load is too much, and then the tree limbs will break. I had watched Frank use his chainsaw many times, cutting the broken limbs from the trees then sawing them into small pieces. So, of course, I thought by watching Frank that I knew how to do it. Walking up to the tree, I saw that the limb was, in fact,...
Read MoreToilet Refurbish 101, DIY Widow
Yoga and Toilets One “thang” that I know for sure is, God did not invent the porcelain throne, man invented it. How do I know this? For one thang, it is always sitting in a tight spot between a cabinet and a wall which makes it impossible to access the bolts to unloosen/tighten them or even clean the toilet. A woman would not have done this. If the toilet needs repair below are the steps I would suggest to you. 1. Pick up your deceased husband’s picture, look at it, and tell him how much you love him. 2. Ask God to make sure He supplies your...
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