Winterizing the House
What an eventful week for me, so I am not surprised unbeknownst to me, that a real cold front is on the way. With the weather being severely crazy in south Texas this winter, going from hot to cold then back to hot then cold again in less than twenty-four hours, I just put off doing the close in around the house thangy. The problem is that my house has a pier and beam base which means it sits up off of the ground. Of course, not high enough off of the ground for an average size person to crawl under it. Why would that be logical? Also, all of the water pipes are under my house, not in the...
Read MoreWhat’s Going On Here?
As you all know, I have been spending a lot of time typing on a Memoir but I also like to do Widow’s Blogs, some funny, some just thoughts. Well, here’s the deal, I decided the best place for me to write the Memoir and Blogs was to relocate my computer to a table in my game room. The game room was a large detached garage which we converted to an apartment then later took out a wall to make one large room as a game room and it also has a full kitchen and bathroom. My husband’s full-size pool table sits in the middle of this room. It also has a treadmill, weight machine,...
Read MoreAre There Secrets to the Polar Plunge?
I watched several videos January 1st. shared on Facebook by The Geneva Shore Report, a newspaper based in the town of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. These videos were of the crowds of people in Lake Geneva getting ready then actually doing the annual Polar Plunge. Even though I live in Texas, I love this newspaper. They share the news, weather, and special happenings of their town in videos daily and in their paper published once a week in print and online. The newspaper is owned by James Strauss who is a gifted author of many books and totally admired by his readers. He can absolutely write...
Read MoreDeciding Our Future
Upon waking the next morning, I reached behind me for Frank, but he was not there. I felt a deep panic inside me as my eyes searched the room for Frank. Had this all been some dream, and he was not home yet? Jumping out of bed, I grabbed my robe and put it on, and then I could smell the aroma of bacon cooking. Frank was not only home but in our kitchen cooking bacon. I happy-danced down the hall to the kitchen, and when I entered the room, Frank said, “Good Morning, wife. How do you want your eggs?” With a smile as big as Texas on my face, I answered, “Over easy with lots...
Read MoreBig Bubbles & Packing Beetle
After collecting the keys to our apartment, Frank and I headed to CollegeView Apartments in search of our new home. These apartments sat across the road from the College Campus, thus how they got their name. The buildings were two-story old Army barracks converted into eight apartment units. On the front of the building, there were two separate entrances. Each entrance had a two-step small concrete porch that led to a screen door. When you entered through the screen door, there was a small entryway and on either side of this entryway was a door. Each of these two doors was the front door...
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