What’s Going On Here?

Posted in The Widow's Blog | 6 comments

As you all know, I have been spending a lot of time typing on a Memoir but I also like to do Widow’s Blogs, some funny, some just thoughts.

Well, here’s the deal, I decided the best place for me to write the Memoir and Blogs was to relocate my computer to a table in my game room.  The game room was a large detached garage which we converted to an apartment then later took out a wall to make one large room as a game room and it also has a full kitchen and bathroom.

My husband’s full-size pool table sits in the middle of this room.  It also has a treadmill, weight machine, and stereo equipment in it.  Part of my decision to move my computer over to a table in this room was because ideally, I could occasionally get up out of my chair and workout.  It was a great decision and “occasionally” it has actually happened, at least three or four times in the past six months, but I do “occasionally” glance back over my shoulder at the treadmill as I type saying, “Stop staring at me, I’ll walk on you in a minute.”  It doesn’t happen.

Another reason for moving my computer to the game room was to get away from my refrigerator stocked with food and other food in my cabinets.  The ideal was the I would actually have to walk over to my house (a mode of exercise), get something to eat, and walk back to the game room.  It was a good plan, that is until I started bringing foodstuff back to the game room with me and actually having another refrigerator I could stock in the kitchen of the game room, didn’t help any at all.

Also, I noticed the comfy chair I sit in while typing on the computer has shrunk but my stretchy comfy sweatpants have stayed the same size, especially if I don’t dry them in the dryer.  That dang dryer shrinks everything in the Winter months. Hum, just remember that the I relocated the dryer to inside the kitchen of the game room.  Could the dryer be shrinking my chair?

During the holidays, I decided to let my hair grow and get a new look.  Sounds good right?  Actually, I got tired of cutting it and making a “big-ole-mess” in my bathroom.  I wrote about that in another blog called, Cutting Your Hair, Widows Blog.  Sometimes, you just have to pick your battles and something about hair all over my “Christmas Decorated” bathroom just wasn’t a battle I wanted to participate in.  Sometimes, I actually have a brain cell.

Another thing, as a widow woman, I get a break in the Winter months from shaving my legs.  After all, come on now, who’s gonna know?  I actually live alone.  Long stretchy sweatpants hide my legs when I go places and pajama bottoms keep the hair on my legs from feeling like porcupine needles as I sleep at night.  In the Summertime, no breaks, gotta shave my legs every day unless I just stay inside the house.

I am sure that by now you are wondering why I have shared all of this with you.  Well, here’s the next deal, I decided to get on the scale and weight myself today.  Geez, I did not know how much longer hair could weigh!  I am pretty sure the hair on my legs must weigh a lot too.  After I subtracted ten pounds, I am right where I should weigh. Of course, it could just be that my scale is broken.  I’ll get back to you once I figure it out, plus the treadmill is staring at me again.



Visits: 237


  1. Love it! Are you going to put your Widow’s blog posts into a book too?

    • At some point in time the Widow’s Blogs will be published in a book but first I would like to make sure the Memoir is all published. The Widow’s blogs come to me quickly and are for some reason easy to write. My love for humor and seeing it in all situations allows me to never run out of fodder for the Widow’s Blogs.
      Thank you for commenting and reading. God Bless you, Diane.

  2. I understand. Some of my blogs come very easily, and sometimes I just cannot seem to get it quite right. Fortunately I have a reserve from an old blog I had which is still up but I haven’t posted there for years. I just copied and pasted the posts into a Word doc. and draw from those that are still relevant. It’s good when I’m a little crunched for time. God bless.

    • Well, they are all Awesome and I really enjoy reading them. God has definitely given you a gift for inspiring others.

  3. Thank you. I can’t hope for anything better than to inspire others. Thanks for your support.

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