Mosquitoes and Fan – 1968
Once arriving at our apartment house, I was not really sure who was most excited, Frank, or me. After opening the screen door, we ran up the stairs to a front door to enter into our new home. We had arms full of bags of groceries and were followed closely behind by our friends who had their arms full of groceries, too. As Frank opened our door, he looked at me, smiling, saying, “Welcome home, Nancy Lou.” I went past Frank smiling, laughing, then looking into the first open doorway to our right as we all walked down a long hallway to another door which we entered then I saw a...
Read MoreClothes, Oreos, Candy Lipsticks
Frank and I solved our fan problem with our “Beater Fan,” or at least for a while. Now we began to settle into a daily routine. On the weekdays we got up before dawn because Frank needed to be at Fort Devens early in the morning for his classes. Since we did not have a car, and it was a three-mile walk to the base for him, he started early on his walk to the base. After Frank left for school, I had things to do which kept me busy and fueled my unique inventiveness. I loved figuring out a better way of doing things while making do with what we had. Next story makes me smile...
Read MoreSmoking Laundry & Big Fins 1968
After having survived the two weeks of not enough food, Frank and I realized that we would have to manage our money very carefully. Frank was in constant search for another apartment for us because of the high rent we were paying. Also, he wanted to get closer to town and Fort Devens, but for now, we were enjoying our apartment in the country. We were only blocks away from a small lake called Sandy Pond, which was beautiful with a beach and a floating platform that we could swim to. Swimming in the pond was free, so Frank and I went there on the weekends sometimes to enjoy the beauty of...
Read MoreApartment, Snoopy, Corncob Pipe
Frank had been searching for a new place for us to live in town. I was still surprised when he came home one afternoon saying he had found us a new home. The new apartment was located on the third story of a brick building on Main Street in downtown Ayer, Massachusetts. The large building had offices on the second floor and a bank on the first floor. After entering the building through a big door in the middle of the building, a wide stairway led to the second-floor lobby, which we walked through to get to another wide stairway that led to the third-floor landing where there were four...
Read MoreWhy Not Turn Off The Water?
Since we had moved to town, life had become less stressful for Frank and me. Our apartment rent was $25.00 cheaper, which gave us more money to spend on food. We still didn’t have a car, a phone, air-conditioning, washer, dryer, or television, but we thanked God every day for the extra food on our table and each other. When Frank got home in the evenings, we had supper, then we would take long walks on the sidewalks of downtown Ayer, looking in the windows of all the stores, or we would just sit on our fire escape balcony watching the stars come out at night. My days were full of...
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