Big Bubbles & Packing Beetle
After collecting the keys to our apartment, Frank and I headed to CollegeView Apartments in search of our new home. These apartments sat across the road from the College Campus, thus how they got their name. The buildings were two-story old Army barracks converted into eight apartment units. On the front of the building, there were two separate entrances. Each entrance had a two-step small concrete porch that led to a screen door. When you entered through the screen door, there was a small entryway and on either side of this entryway was a door. Each of these two doors was the front door...
Read MoreGod’s Beautiful Gift
College Station was an amazing fun place. Frank and I absolutely enjoyed the wonder of all the things that we could go and do there. Were we poor? Yes, but wealthy in the things that really mattered. We had each other, lots of friends, plus lots of family living close by in the same apartments where we lived. Just like when Frank was in the Army, we were surrounded by couples who shared the same circumstances and poorness as us. The first semester of school passed by quickly for Frank and me then it was time for Christmas. We had continued to work with the Doctor in Wharton, Texas on...
Read MoreA Beautiful Fluttering Flipflop
The Doctor told Frank and me that the morning sickness could be controlled by my eating saltine crackers every morning before getting out of bed and eating small meals to keep my stomach from being empty. Our baby’s due date was figured out to be September 26th which meant that I was approximately nine weeks pregnant. The Doctor wanted to keep seeing us until I was past three months along and only then would he refer us to an OB/GYN he knew in the College Station. If the morning sickness was to get worse, the Doctor wanted us to call then come see him so he could write a prescription...
Read MoreAnd The Beat Goes On
May seemed to quickly turn into June as we began the Summer of 1973. Frank would take classes both Summer Semesters and work two jobs while I worked steadily fixing up our spare room into a Nursery. Frank and I did not have money to buy furniture for our baby’s room. The Preacher and his wife at the Methodist Church in Van Vleck gave us a very used baby bed. We acquired an old table from my Grandmother and an antique wooden rocking chair. Frank’s Mom gave us his baby chest. The crib was in excellent shape, so all I did was clean and disinfected it. I painted the table and...
Read MoreOur Miracle Baby Arrives
After nine months and three weeks, our miracle baby had decided to leave the warmth and safety of my womb to be born. Early on the morning of October 15, 1973, Frank and I had left our apartment then drove to Saint Joseph Hospital in Bryan, Texas. Although we had preregistered months before, after helping me out of the vehicle, Frank and a nurse wheeled me hurriedly in a wheelchair to a registrar’s office. Of course, we left puddles on our entire route, and I was embarrassed, but with each contraction that embarrassment lessoned because I did not care anymore, at all. Finally, we...
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