God and I have always had a beautiful relationship. He understands me. Sometimes in frustration, I will holler a little while asking Him questions. So far, He has not sent a lightning bolt to strike me down, although a few have come close.
In January of 1997, after being married to my soulmate for twenty-nine years, I became a forever widow. What is a forever widow? In my case, forever, widow means that my heart and soul belong to my deceased soulmate, and he remains by my side in spirit.
After retiring in October of 2009 at the age of sixty, I spent the next five years working on my home and yard. Being the man and woman of the house is a tough job, but I am a hands-on person, so instead of hiring out the work, I do most of it myself.
The end of January 2015 came around and brought with it the realization that the mowing season was upon me. After spending the next week working in my yard, the last evening, I sat down in my swing on my patio, dirty and tired. Exhausted and close to tears, I decided to have a chat with God.
Of course, the conversation was one-sided, but I knew God was listening. I asked him what my purpose was, why I was still here, and what I needed to do to get to Heaven to be with my husband, Frank. The one-sided conversation ended with me drying my tears, then telling myself to stop the self-pity.
That night I had a dream. In the dream, my husband, Frank, told me to look in the cedar chest. The dream woke me up, and I sat up in bed. There is a cedar chest in my spare bedroom. This cedar chest is full of Frank’s mementos and two bags from the funeral home full of cards of condolences from when Frank died. I did not get out of bed and look in the chest, but instead, I looked to the ceiling then suggested to Frank that he fly on in there and look himself.
While trying to fall back to sleep, suddenly, I sat up in the bed, remembering that I had another cedar chest in a floored shed in my backyard. This cedar chest was given to me by my parents when I was fourteen years old. After refinishing the chest, it sat at the end of my bed, and then when I married Frank, it sat at the end of our bed. Frank and I had put many things into the cedar chest, but that night, I had no recollection of what was inside of it. Although it was in the middle of the night, I got out of bed, made a pot of coffee, poured a cup, then went outside to my patio to wait for daylight.
No matter how hard I tried to remember what was in the cedar chest, I could not. At first light, I ran to the shed. I opened my shed door then dug my way to the cedar chest, which was in the back corner of the shed. After opening the lid of the chest and quickly glancing inside, I saw items from our wedding, but what caught my attention was a large box sitting at the top in the right-hand side of the chest. I opened the box, discovered that it was full of letters, and then I realized they were letters from Frank written to me when he was in Vietnam. I was shocked.
In 1971, Frank did his last tour of duty in Phu Bai, Vietnam. At the time of his tour, we had been married two and a half years. Frank and I had always been inseparable, so being pulled apart by an ocean and war was very hard on us. We cried many tears and said many prayers for each other during that year.
The box that I found had sat on top of the cedar chest, and after reading his letters, I would place the letter into the box. When Frank got his orders to come home, and I received his last letter, I put the lid on the box then put it into the cedar chest. Once Frank returned home, we never discussed Vietnam again. Since Frank was in the Army Security Agency, we had become accustomed to not discussing his military work, and he was bound by an oath not to discuss it for thirty years after he left the Army. Even though we had moved the cedar chest many times through the years, I soon discovered the cedar chest was last opened in 1971, the night I placed the box inside.
Carrying the box, I left the shed then went into my game room. I sat down at my game table then began to read the letters. While reading Frank’s letters, I realized it was like reading them for the first time. The fear and anxiety of losing him had erased all memory of the contents and beautiful words written to me in his letters. Through the eyes of a sixty-five-year-old widow and knowing he made it home, I realized that finding his letters was a gift from God and that God had a purpose for not only them, but for me.
The next day, since Frank’s handwriting is hard to read, I decided to type all the letters then put them into a book for our future generations.
While typing Frank’s letters, stories of our meeting and married life together came flowing into my mind, like a movie in the theater. I could hear us talking, laughing, and doing things together, which led to me typing those stories for the book too.
Because Frank knew how to express himself so well, while going through many different emotional ups and downs, I decided to share some of his letters on social media, as I typed them. Also, I shared some of the stories of our lives. The response from others was incredible. When I finished the original manuscript of the book, it filled two large three-ring binders and contained all of Frank’s unedited letters, which total about one hundred and fifty.
In April of 2018, after reposting a story shared on social media, I got a personal message from a friend offering to help me get the letters and stories into a published book or books. We decided to split the original manuscript into four books because of its size. The four books are subtitled the Love Story of Nancy & Frank. January of 2019, the first book of my memoir, Love & Marriage, was published, in May the second book, War & Commitment, and in November, the third book, Time & Distance. The fourth book, Faith & Eternity, should be published this year, 2020.
These books contain stories of true love and marriage with commitment, communication, sacrifice, and unselfishness. They also include letters from a young man fighting his way out of fear, depression, anger, and other upsets, while writing about it to me in his letters. Also, you will read about how, as a man, Frank was not afraid to tell me openly how much he loved me.
God has not revealed His purpose for these books to me, but I think that each person that reads them will receive His message from them.
The reason I am an author is more important than being the author. While reading the finished pdf of my first book, I stopped after reading a paragraph and emailed the editor who set up my book. I told him what a beautiful job he had done rewriting the paragraph. His return email said, “Nancy, you wrote that paragraph. I did not change it.” In my reply, I told him, “No, God wrote that paragraph because I do not know how to write like that.”
God has overseen this purpose for me from the very beginning, and I am in awe of the things He has done and the things He has allowed me to know about the afterlife.
God is real, He answers our prayers, He has a purpose for every stage of our lives, and He will send others to help guide your way.
Peter Wright & Kathleen Beauvais
A few weeks back, I received an email from Peter Wright asking me if I would like to do an interview on Yak-King with him and Kathleen Beauvais. In a return email, I sent Peter the above blog, God’s Purpose, to let him know more about why I began writing, and why I am an Author.
Peter Wright and I became friends on Twitter in 2017 then became friends on Facebook. Peter has written a book, 5 Steps to Overcoming Adversity, and he has lived through some of the most incredible experiences. Peter’s website is peterwrightsblog.com. When you go to Peter’s website, you will be amazed at the strength of this man in overcoming adversity and living a beautiful life. Peter is a Speaker, Writer, and Independent Thinker, and a humble, kind man.
The Yak-King Interview was my first time meeting and talking with Kathleen Beauvais. She is absolutely charming. I can not wait to know more about her. Kathleen made me feel right at home during the interview, and she is beautiful both inside and outside. Kathleen does not only do interviews on Yak-King with Peter, but they also have a website, tinyhomegeniuses.com
I can not thank Peter and Kathleen enough for giving me this opportunity to tell my story and help get God’s Purpose out to all who will read and hear.
“Sorrow is Knowledge:
they who know the most must morn the deepest o’er the fatal truth,
the Tree of Knowledge is not that of Life.”
Quote by
George Gordon Byron
Yak-King YouTube Interview
Views: 685
My apologies for taking so long to get to this post Nancy.
Thank you for your kind words and for being our guest, we loved having you on the show.
You truly are an inspiration and the hundreds of viewers and listeners of your episode show how much you are appreciated.
Thank you so much. It was my pleasure to be interviewed by you and Kathleen. I am nothing without God in my life, and He is the real inspiration, purpose, and power behind the views of this interview.
God Bless You, My Friend.
I just re-read this being prompted by your Facebook post. That was a superb interview with Peter and Kathleen.
Thank you so much, Chuck