Vietnam Love Letters from the Heart
This page is devoted to sharing actual letters that I received from my husband and soulmate, Frank Henderson, while he was in Vietnam in 1971. At this time we had been married for two years and eight months.
These letters will be typed in their entirety then posted exactly as he wrote them without editing grammar with the only editing exception being names of people he might mention.
Frank was twenty-one years old when he wrote these letters. He will express his inner thoughts and feelings as he writes these letters. Sometimes he will be happy, upset, depressed, funny, and terribly lonely but in writing his feelings down in letters to me, he will work through his feelings.
As he writes to me, he will speak to me through his written words as if I was sitting in the room beside him. While reading these letters you will come to know the inner soul of this beautiful man.
Please enjoy and feel free to
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Waiting on an Address
Frank deployed from Okinawa to Vietnam on January 15, 1971. I would not receive the...
Please, Please Mr. Postman
We were both writing to each other, but I was the only one receiving letters. Once...
Guard Duty and Cookies
Frank was finally receiving my letters and boxes. Finally, he could begin to realize...
Ups and Downs and Poetry
Frank had decided to quit smoking on March 1, 1971, while he was in Vietnam. There is a...
“Just a Touch of Magic”
Frank and I had been separated before, ten weeks while he was in Basic Training, two...
A Haircut & Sp5
Loneliness and depression are emotions that can be controlled for short periods of time...
I Believe in You
Frank had panicked when the mail did not arrive on time but once he finally received my...
A Quote from Me
Although they had taken days longer than expected, letters were beginning to arrive, ...
Third Anniversary Blues
Frank has written “Happiness is Love” many times in his letters. This saying...
Doll, Jewlery, Dear John
Frank and I made it through our third Wedding Anniversary without being physically...
The Longest Hair
Frank had been in a good mood until receiving my letter which had been delayed in the...
The Pocket Watch
Frank experienced so many emotions in his last four letters which were all written in a...