That Dang Glue

Posted in The Widow's Blog | 6 comments

Remember the good ole days when we all used Elmer’s glue?  That white liquid that took forever to dry, but washed off with soap and water.

Of course, being water-soluble, Elmer’s, was not always a perfect choice for certain things.  Thinking this is why some smart dudes or dudettes came up with the new-fangled thang called Super Glue.  One thang for sure, they got that dang name right, that glue is definitely, Super.  When you apply to dumaflotches you want to glue together, you best have those pieces lined up, because you have only seconds to get it right. Do not use too much of that it-can-stick-to-anythang-glue — big mistake.

Lord forbid that the pieces are tiny, and you try to position them with your fangers because if you get that dang glue on them, they will stick like dried concrete to your fangers!  Not to mention, if you can get unglued from the pieces, then you have just lost your fangerprints under an unremovable film of glue. Just use tweezers. Praying you don’t have to answer a text message on your cellphone. That is not happening!  Best have a stylus pen for your phone because, depending on how much dang Super Glue you have on your fanger or fangers, you are out of business until you peel it off, which takes a little skin with it.

Another thang, do not touch your fanger to your mouth, thinking you can lick that glue off. Why? I posted a post on Facebook about glue on my fingers, and one lady got her teeth and lips glued together! Oh my gosh! She never said how, but what a bad mistake. Of course, I guess all turned out well because she added a Laugh Out Loud.

A friend of mine, Carmen Baca, who is a Brilliant author of books, articles, and marketing, left a comment on the same Facebook post.  She had an unfortunate encounter with a bottle of the Dang Super Glue and wanted to give a warning.  Not sure if you are aware of this, but after you use the Super Glue in the bottle once, the next time the lid is nearly impossible to get off.  Well, it seems Carmen decided to use her teeth to help. I understand this method of removing small caps.  We all do this some times, but warning, the lips made of fragile, sensitive skin.  Yep, Carmen got the glue on her mouth! Ouch!  Not sure how she got that glue off.

While searching for pictures of Dang Super Glue catastrophes, I came across a picture of a woman who glued her eyelids to her brows.  Good grief! What kind of facelift is that? My eyelids will have to droop.  Eyelids are like lips, and what if you got that stuff in your eye?  Another young woman glued her top lip up and her bottom lip down to have fuller lips!  I can not comment on that because proper words fail me.

If you have had an exciting catastrophy with Super Glue, how about leaving a comment?  I promise you will never know if I laughed.

Gotta say nothing does it better than Super Glue. Here’s a little music while you are ungluing.




Views: 217


  1. You cracked me up! Not often does an author make me do that out loud! Well done writin’ about that dang thang!

    • Thank you, Carmen. I see you noticed that I went back to my native tongue. LOL! Wow! I went on Google, and you would not believe what people do with that Dang Super Glue. Unbelievable.
      Thank you for the comment. I am glad it made you laugh. You are a special friend.
      God Bless You,

  2. Another delightful vignette sharing the reality we have all experienced in one form or another! Can’t quit laughing

    • Thank you so much Chuck. This was a fun blog to write. Unbelievable whatcsome people do with Super Glue.
      God Bless You,

  3. This was a fun read about that tang glue! I had to smile several times. I remember Elmers glue the best. We used it for everything

    • Thank you so much Eva Marie. Super glue has left some very funny memories with lots of people. Lol!
      God Bless You,

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