Audio Excerpt, Chapter 40, Broken Hearts from “Love and Marriage”

Posted in Love Letters | 9 comments

Audio Excerpt from Love & Marriage: The Love Story of Nancy & Frank.

I thought it might be fun and exciting to try to and record a chapter of my first book with me as the reader.

I randomly chose a chapter, which was Chapter 40 in Love and Marriage, named Broken Hearts.
Frank was leaving for Vietnam after we had been home for a very short while from our assignment in Okinawa
The writing of a personal Memoir involves all of your senses.  You are immediately transported back to that moment in time of your life.
Emotions run rampant as you write about real-life experiences. I knew this, but I was totally unprepared for that to happen to me trying to read while doing the audio.
What you hear was unexpected raw emotions brought to the surface by the video playing in my mind of that day as I read my own written words.  I continued to force myself to read on because that is part of the strength of the person inside of me.
After much thought about opening up my heart and soul deeper and my still raw emotions to you all, I decided to share this with you because this is a True Love Story.  The feelings were real and remained embedded deep within my heart.
I would really appreciate your comments. Wondering if too much emotion in audio is good?
Our Hearts Are Broken, Chapter 40

Views: 1218


  1. Too much emotion in audio? Not at all when it’s a story of love, Nancy.
    See…love’s meant to be shared.
    I just had a friend write, ” I just came to cry over love’s result.” And after reading it my heart added,”…whether coming or going!”
    Just between you and I…I think it’s clear that when James recently wrote a reply to a conversation we’d saying that he’d love to hear a chapter read by you…he really did mean “you” because while tears are she’d in both love and war, true love is not a war story and the tears that fall for love will always come and go! Keep doing your audios and let the emotions rise and the tears fall where they may…

    Your friend,

    • Thank you so much Dennis. I was totally surprised by the emotion that came out of me as I read this chapter. Sure, I cried when I wrote it, but I was not expecting to see it all so vividly in my mind as I read the chapter. It wasn’t my writing but the memories embedded in my mind.
      I will try to do more of the chapters and shoot for an audio book.
      God Bless You, Dennis.

  2. Beautiful! You had me in tears before you even got to the airport entrance. You did a great job. God bless you.

    • Thank you so much, Diane. I was totally surprised that reading it would pull up such an emotional response from me. As I read it pictures of Frank’s face looking at me helpless to make me stop crying flooded my mind. The uncertainty of whether we would ever see each other again overpowered us. I still can’t listen to the audio without crying.
      God Bless You and thank you for listening and commenting.

    • Thank you again Diane.

  3. Nancy, thank you for allowing a glimpse into the heartfelt words used to explain your raw feelings of love for your husband. The use of emotion is frowned upon except within closed family circles. Having listened to this portion of your memoir, I think it puts names to the love shared between two people in a military family. As a Vietnam Veteran, I have recalled many of the past emotions I experienced in leaving the comfort of family – or at the combat loss of a brother in in my unit. I did not have a spouse or love interest when reporting for U.S. Army enlistment, which destined my travel to the Far East. However, I shared discussions with many who left newly married brides at home. (Only some NCO’s and Senior Officers with whom I served, could have held a bond with their spouse your emotional recording displayed in this excerpt.) Truly, you have nothing for which would be considered inappropriate. In fact, this reading adds to the writing – and, makes me want to read the remainder of your memoir. Memoirs in print are the most difficult to have published. Most will not read the memoir written by us ‘unknown commodities.’ Only through personal connection do we have the desire to know more. I will purchase your series solely based on having listened to this recording. Thank you for baring your soul.

    • Jay, thank you so much. I was not expecting to react the way, I did. The memory of that day is etched into my mind so deeply. As I read the words that I had written, I could see it in my mind like a movie. I was no longer a sixty-nine-year-old woman, but a twenty-year-old wife who was trying to say goodbye to the one person in the world who owned my heart and soul, and who she might never see again. Of course, the emotions were not only from that time but from having lost him twenty-six years later.
      I try hard not to let my grief of losing him to come out in my writing of our story because it was not part of our life then. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes the grief surfaces.
      God Bless You, Jay. Your comment will always be Special to me.

    • What a fabulous comment, Jay.
      Those of us men who have stumbled across Nancy and Frank’s journey are amazed at the reality of this couple’s love for each other.
      Frank is truly a role model for true masculinity.

    • Thank you, Chuck. What a truly Beautiful comment. It strengthens my journey to hear your heartfelt words.
      God Bless You.

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