More Letters from Basic, 1968

Posted in Love Letters | 8 comments

The next letters Frank wrote was after he had been in basic training for one week.  I was so excited when the next two letters finally arrived.


March 3, 1968

Dear Nancy,

Last night had to be the loneliest night of my life. It was Saturday night, and everyone was sad because they were all thinking about how it was last Saturday night, and they were all wishing they were home. Darling, I missed you so much I almost died.

I met some nice guys who have become some real buddies. This one who sleeps next to mine and Jimmy’s bunk has been going with his girl for three years, and we spent all night walking fire watch around the barracks. We were authorized to question anybody and see their papers, and if they didn’t show them, we were to take them down to the Orderly’s room. I went upstairs, and when I came back my friend had checked downstairs, and there were two guys in the latrine, so I started cussing them and giving them hell, and they started getting smart, so I told them I was going to take them to the Orderly Room, well I started for them and they showed me their papers and come to find out I had been cussing 2 Sergeants!

We ship out tomorrow and by next weekend we ought to have a permanent address and the next letter you get I should have a permanent so, I expect a letter soon afterward, that is if you want to. Don’t get mad if I don’t write to you every day. I’ll write to you whenever I get a chance. I love to write to you, and I’ll be so happy when I get your first letter but Honey I have to pull duties and scrub the barracks and all sorts of things. Nancy, don’t write me if you don’t want to. I want to see you very much and hear from you very much. I hope you still love me as much as you did when I left. I love you as much or even more. We all lay around and think at night. We hate the night because everything gets quiet and all you can do is think about your girl and home. Nancy, I’ve never missed anyone the way I miss you, all I do is lay on my bunk and get a picture of your face in my mind and just look at you and see how pretty you are. You won’t believe this, but this is the 1st time I’ve ever written a sentimental letter. I never wrote one to anyone else because I never felt this way over any other girl. Behave and keep that chin up and most of all, be happy and think about me and how much I miss you.

Just remember, Nancy, I love you very much, and I want very much to make you my wife in 9 weeks. All my love, Frank

P.S. How’s our wedding plans coming along? Go out and see Momma and Daddy every now and then, they would like that.

Frank did not know that I was writing him letters, but without an address, I could not send him my letters. He had only been gone a week, but we had been seeing each other every day, and now we were apart. Frank knew how much I loved him, but he was lonely and tired. He did not know that I was missing him just as much as he missed me.

In the following letter, Frank sent me his address and asked me several questions he would like answered by me.


March 5, 1968

Dear Nancy,

Well, we arrived at Basic yesterday, (Monday) and I got put on Detail last night from 1900 (7:00 p.m.) and got back at 2050 (8:50 p.m.), and lights went out at 2100 (9:00 p.m.). Today we started exercises, and it was hell. I got my address, and I expect some letters quickly. It is:

Pvt. Loren F. Henderson, Sr. RA (Not typing it) Co. B-1-3 Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. 65473  

When you write to me, do exactly like that.  

I would have written to you yesterday night, but I had no time because of the details! In 9 weeks from today, I’ll be through with Basic. I thought as you thought that it would be only 8 weeks, but we spent 1 week at the reception station, and we will spend 1 week here before we start basic training. I’m sorry Honey, but I can’t help it, I am as disappointed as you. I’m sick and tired of this damn place, and I wish I was home with you right now. I’m going mad waiting for you and dreaming of you (not bad dreams either). I miss you so much. I don’t know what to do.

Baby, there are a few things I want from you in your first letter.

(1.) How long it takes for my letter there.

(2.) If you love me as much as before?

(3.) If you still Love me enough to marry me?

(4.) If the other two answers are yes, fill me in on all the plans.

Don’t get mad, but those questions have been bothering me the most. Well, I’ll have to close because I have to s, s, and s (shave, shit, and shower) before I go to bed and I have to mop and polish the floor. I’m getting pretty depressed so don’t let my letters get you down or don’t think I don’t love you or don’t think about you a lot.

Be good, and remember I love you.

All my Love, Frank

P.S. I think for my school, I’ll be stationed in Virginia or Georgia. I signed up for single rotary turbine helicopter maintenance. Tell your Ma, Pa, Grady, Mark, and David hi for me, ok?                                                          I MISS YOU!


I was missing Frank so much, and I knew he was not receiving mail from me, causing him to have so many doubts. Now, that I had his address and I would mail my letters with my undying love for him but it would take days for those letters to arrive.

As I have said before, we did not have email or skype in the sixties.   We only had landline telephones, and letters which once mailed would take days to be received.

The Wedding plans for Frank and I were in steady motion, but I was having a hard time concentrating on the plans and missing him there by my side. I was so worried about him. I wanted him home so I could just hold him and tell him how much I loved him.

The next letter from Frank shows just how upset and isolated he was feeling. He had not received my letters, but now at least they were on the way.

<<<<< Beginning | Next Chapter >>>>>

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  1. Your honey’s letters are so touching, I’m sure the memories of those times come back fresh and emotionally strong as when you received them the first time so long ago. I am enjoying your installments greatly, and I’m honored you’re sharing them with us readers.

    • Thank you so much, Carmen. I am honored that you are enjoying our love story. Your opinion of means so much to me.
      Yes, each letter I read and post puts me back in the moment I first read. Writing this book is like entering a time capsule. As, I see, hear, and feel, I become that young woman from so long ago standing beside my young husband, Frank.

  2. Hello

    • Hello, Big Bro. Thank you for the howdy

  3. I can remember the feelings….coincidence! My MOS for my first enlistment wad 67N….turbine helicopter maintenance…UH-1 helicopter… my AIT was at Ft. Eustis, Virginia

    • No, coincidence. You are remembering because Frank is laying it all out there in his letters. I sometimes wonder if it is the same in basic training. Back then we all didn’t know we had individual rights. Lol
      Thank you, Kim for your comment.
      God Bless you,

  4. I’m enjoying getting to know Frank in some small way. I love your posts and am sorry I am so far behind in reading them. I just spent a few hours deleting at least 1200 e-mails from my inbox. It’s hard to deal with that and keep up with everything else. I still have 500 unread, but they are the ones left that I want to read before deleting them. So I will keep coming back when I can to try to catch up soon.

    • Thank you, Diane. Frank was such an Amazing person. God must of loved me alot to send him to me. You will get to know him more and more through his letters and my memories of him. I am so happy that you are reading and commenting.
      God Bless You

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