Seed of Love

Posted in Poetry | 6 comments

Pink Azaela Blooms

Seed of Love

Darkness does surround,

Waiting in the ground,

Moisture touches me,

Waking me to flee,

Outer shell has burst,

 Increasing my thirst,

Breaking thru the earth,

Today is my rebirth

Sunlight on my face,

Feeling God’s amazing grace

Stand firm and straight,

Budding flowers await,

Flowers soon to bloom,

Removing human gloom,

Once a lifeless seed,

Sharing love in times of need.


                                                                                                   By Lou

Views: 139


  1. WOnderful!

    • Thank you so much Elaine and thank you for commenting.
      God Bless You,

  2. Good poem Nancy. One problem–I can’t hear a word of your audio here or on the potato soup one. Haven’t tried the Life if Brief yet. Have a great weekend. God bless.

    • Not sure why you cannot hear the audios. I checked each one from my computer,iPad,and phone. They are working here. They are all on Booksie with audio too.
      God Bless You and thank you for your comments.

  3. Who can figure out technology? But it is strange that I can hear all of the YouTube videos loud and clear, so my volume, except for these three, is good. I was able to hear one of the other poems you read a while back. Weird.

    • I had Chuck check them out and he could hear them too.
      I just put a new poem up called What If? with audio.
      God Bless You and Stay Safe.

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