Mr. Kitty Kat

Posted in Blog | 4 comments

Nothing was extraordinary about that day.  It was just another hot, dry summer day in late May.

Deep in my thoughts, I walked out of the front door of my home.  The detached garage had been converted into a game room many years back. I have typed all of my blogs and books in this room.

As I approached the front door to the game room, a cat came running from the left side of the building.  The stray feline was loudly crying as it ran closer towards me.

A little frightened at the cat’s behavior, but concerned; I stood without moving. To me, the cries of the stray cat sounded more desperate than threatening. The feline stopped about a foot away from me, but continued to look up to me and cry.  Staring down at the small animal, I noticed how thin and scrappy it looked, so I decided that the cat  needed water and food.

As I opened the game room door to go in, the stray cat ran inside in front of me. I talked to the cat while taking a bowl from the shelf,  then filled it with water, walked back outside, and sat the bowl on the concrete driveway. Briefly, the cat looked up at me, then turned back to the dish and drank the water, not stopping until the bowl was empty. Again I filled the bowl with water, and the feline drank it all.

Guessing thirst was why the cat was crying had turned out to be a good guess.  I did not have cat food at the house, but having a dog, I decided to give the feline some of Boot’s food.  Of course, I knew that was not the best decision, but the cat was hungry and needed food.  My thought was, if the feline remained for more than one desperate feeding, I would buy cat food.  I left the cat eating then went into the game room to type on my book.

While typing, my mind kept going back to thinking about the desperate cat.  The feline was not just a young mixed breed, but a young male Siamese with beautiful blue eyes.  I could not help but wonder if he had lost his way home.  He reminded me of a Siamese cat that Frank and I had raised in Okinawa, whose name was Candy.  Unable to part with Candy, we had sent him along with another cat named Homer home  to the states when we left Okinawa.

After a few hours of typing, I left the game room, but the cat had vanished from sight, but not from my thoughts.  Since Google seems to know everything, I decided to engage in a search. First searching for, What does it mean spiritually if a Siamese Cat comes running to you? Already feeling weirded out by what had happened, I was surprised at what I found.

The first thing I read called, The Symbolic Meaning of Siamese Cats by Ouronesha. Below is what I read.

The Siamese appears as a message from the animal kingdom that you are not alone, and that you are blessed far more than you know. Cats are quite intuitive, and if they ‘show up’ on your doorstep or nearby, it is a sign of trustworthiness from the astral plane or spirit realm and the world. You are entrusted with the lives of others in some way, and you have much work to do. You will find that everywhere you turn, and you will be blessed. And favorable events will take place in your life.

It is important to take caution in everything you are doing and also to get going. To trust the path that you are own. To trust the steps, you are actively making. You are wanted in another chapter, and it is now time to move on. The Siamese asks us to hang tight as these changes are made, as it will not be long before good news surfaces.

It is important to be surrounded by people whose beliefs match or are compatible with our own. Although they do not necessarily have to be exact, they must, in some nature or form, complement what is already present in some way. It is of importance to choose your mentors in this likeness.

Well, now, that was a lot for me to digest. Aware of the Siamese cat’s strange behavior, I reread the blog then thought about the prayer to God, the dream, the cedar chest, the letters, and the wonder of the purpose God had given me.

The last four years of my life had been full of highs and lows as I entered a time tunnel into reliving my life with my soulmate, Frank.  Being protective of my inner feelings and not letting others know the real tears and heartache that I had been through at times, these years had been very lonely for me.  I missed Frank, seeing and touching Frank again, and the grief had been unbearable at times, but in these times, God had lifted me and comforted me.

Knowing I was now typing on chapters of Book IV of the memoir, I also knew that the last section of Book IV and the end of our physical lives together was getting closer. I have not written the final chapter in the original manuscript. Why? Because it will not only be the end to the Memoir but the end of Frank physically being by my side. I will only type it once.  Was the Siamese Cat sent to me by God to be a comfort for what was to come?

The next morning when I opened the front door to my home, there sat the cat.  I walked outside, and he followed me to the water bowl, which I filled then fed him some more dog food.   It looked as if my new buddy was going to stay around for a while. After breakfast, I drove to the store to buy cat food.

Every time I went outside, my new buddy came running up to me, rubbing against my legs and sitting in my lap on the porch. Not only did he love on me, but anyone who came into my yard got love too. Trust me. Being this affectionate to strangers is not the normal behavior for a Siamese Cat. They usually are very protective of one person or a household, but not every single person who comes near them.

My Great Grandchildren fell in love with him, but he did not have a name until my Great Granddaughter started calling him, Kitty Kat. Well, I thought that was a fantastic name, so Kitty Kat became his name.

Kitty Kat was not an inside cat, but if the door opened, he would run into the house, and for some reason, he would end up running to my bedroom then jumping up on the bed lying in the exact place I sleep.

Kitty Kat and I became best buddies. As I confided in him all of my thoughts and problems, he would look at me then roll over for me to rub his belly to distract me and make me smile.  Kitty Kat became my blessing from God, and his beautiful spirit was of pure love.

Months passed, then mid-December came. I was outside putting up lights on my house then sat down on the porch, and as usual, Kitty Kat came running up to me. Even though I rubbed his tummy, he meowed loudly. I checked his food and water dishes, but both were full. He seemed inconsolable but then calmed down and took a nap on my chair. I finished putting up the lights, and then I went into my home to clean up and eat supper. Later that night, I went back out on to the porch and called his name, but he did not come to me.

The next morning, I went to the porch to feed Kitty Kat and again he did not come to me when I called, which was very strange. Several times during the day, I went outside, calling his name, but he did not come. For days, I searched for him without finding him.

God had sent one of His beautiful creatures to comfort me. Kitty Kat had come to me crying to get my attention, and when it was time, he had cried inconsolably to let me know that he had to leave me. I will never forget the beauty of God’s blessing of Kitty Kat or the love, peace, and comfort God created in him to give me.  Thank you, God.









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  1. Oh, my! Nancy’s experience confirms what we see as “coincidences” are instead God’s message to us through our loved ones. It’s as if the cat knew its importance in Nancy’s emotional, mental, and especially, her spiritual health. Reading what the Siamese breed means and knowing what I know about her eternal love story with Frank, I felt the chills at first, but then a warmth, like a blanket of comfort over my shoulders as I read on and became mind blown. I believe there are powers greater than we know at work in Nancy’s life: the Almighty who wants her to know she’s not alone, and Frank, who constantly visits and leaves signs to reassure her. Nancy, you are indeed blessed, and your books tell the story of a love with no bounds.

    • Carmen, thank you. I knew you would understand this blog. God sends us Angel’s in all forms to bless us with his peace. Kitty Kat was an Angel in disguise and brought me so much peace, comfort and love.
      God bless You, My Sweet Sister,
      I Love You,

  2. Your ability to share life’s simple treasure is uncanny. Thank you again for leaving your readers with warmth.

    • Thank you for reading and commenting Chuck. God’s blessings are our best treasures.
      God Bless You,

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