Password Change? 101, DIY Widow

Posted in The Widow's Blog | 7 comments

Capitals, Lowercase, Numbers, and Symbols

Goodness gracious, I got an email last night from Twitter Tweet.  It seems that they might have had a breach of everyone’s passwords.  Really, this is not what I want to read!

Their email went something like the following:


We are so sorry to inform you that there is a strong possibility that your Twitter account password may have been breached.  We are pretty sure that your password was not compromised but we are asking you to set a new password.  Also, if you have any other similar passwords on other accounts, such as Facebook, please change those passwords too for your own safety.

So sorry for your inconvenience.

Some Twitter Person 

Inconvenience! You betcha, I am inconvenienced, it was midnight when I saw the email.  Gonna be a good night sleep now, for sure!  Sure there was a breach or they would not have sent me the email.  Did they think my elevator is stuck in the basement bouncing up and down?

The real problem is the only password that I have never written down is Twitter.  I don’t even know that password.  I see a real problem going on here.  Thinking, I need to know the old password to change to a new one but taking deep breaths getting my blood pressure down.  God, please help me.

Okay, I responded to the email and was sent a new type it twice password “thangy”.  This is good.  Now all I have to do is set a new password.  Did a happy dance!

I typed in something brilliant.  Wrong!  I was so far on the weak end of the scale that the page showed at frowny face.  I typed in more capital letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.  Well, I actually moved up a couple of notches and the face had a half smile.  Thinking that round yellow face dude needs to go.

Finally, after many, many tries, I picked a strong password which looked something like this:  N2Ta98Yab$#?/:bDr&*!”‘V@6Vd%^*!.  

I was so excited, that is until I realized it had to be repeated exactly without errors in the next box!  God, I am so counting on your help.

After a few tries with the little yellow round-faced guy sticking his tongue out at me, I was successful.  Another happy dance was definitely done. I was so proud of myself.

I wrote the password down in my little book of passwords but I can definitely tell you one thing.  I am never logging out of Twitter Tweet and the little yellow round-faced guy, is total toast just as soon as I can figure out how to do it.


Visits: 250


  1. You are always good for a laugh out loud laugh Nancy loo. My voice recognition always wants to spell your middle name as l o o instead of l o u. I think that’s kind of cute so I we’ll just leave it that way. BTW, loo is the colloquial for bathroom in England and Australia. Just thought you might want to know 🙂

    • John thank you for your comment. I will definitely answer to Nancy Loo. That spell check thangy gets me into lots of editing. Lol! Figures that spell check thangy wants me to be Nancy Potty. I love it! It fits with the way I talk to it.

  2. Gotta love it “NANCY LOO”.
    Thanks for sharing. This password ‘thangy’ as you call is a big pain in the @$$.
    Oh wait a minute, did I just give away one of my passwords?

    • Thank you Chuck. Grammarly has decided that ‘thangy’ is an unknown word now! Thinking it has purposely told spell check and John’s voice recognition to call me Nancy Loo.

    • Chuck, I checked and I don’t think that was one of your passwords. Lol

  3. Good Lord, what have I fallen into. I love the Southern drawl and all who share it. Thangy perfectly describes anything you want it to. Such as, as I whisper to my husband when we first got home to Michigan….Where is the bathroom ? That would be the thangy out back. Oh Lord help me.

    • Thanking the Good Lord for sending you my way. You betcha, you will definitely get some southern drawl here and a whole lotta humor! Thank you for coming to my website, reading, and commenting.
      I really enjoyed talking with you yesterday. We are kindred sisters for sure.
      God bless you,
      Nancy Lou

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